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Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018

Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018
Sid Ali in action…

The planetarium shows have been going on non-stop during the whole day.
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018 Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018
The Lectures Program: Lecturers Came from all Over the Country & from Abroad.
See the Program Here
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018
With Dr. Nassim Seghouani from the CRAAG, Algiers on: Gravitational Waves and the Aurès Observatory Project.
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy WSW 2018
With Prof. Abdelhamid Bouldjedri from Batna University on: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and the Early History of Space Conquest.
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Dr. Hamza Belabiod from University of Rennes, France on Laboratory astrophysics and the youth involvement: the “Graines de Chercheurs” project.
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Prof. N.Guessoum from the American University at Sharjah: The 2018 Nobel prizes in the sciences..
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Khaoula Laggoune from the Medical Science Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Constantine -3 : Spacefaring and the human species.
With the Physics Club – University of Constantine-1
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
A huge display spanning an extensive space staffed by a large pool of dedicated physics students
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018 Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018 v
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
With the Constantine Regional Meteorology Station staff.
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
The Astrobiology & Space Medicine corner with Khaoula
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
The Sirius’s Smarties Club and the Science Club from El-Basair’s School at El-Khroub
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
The Matjar team: Making available to the public high quality products at a ridiculously low price.
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Ground floor main exhibit: stands and hands-on activities…
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Our boiling smarties at their corner …
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
Fascinated by the plasma ball…
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018
The Physics Club members along with some lecturers
Open Doors Sirius Algeria Astronomy World Space Week 2018



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