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GLOBE Observer App

GLOBE Observer invites you to make environmental observations that complement NASA satellite observations to help scientists studying Earth and the global environment.

By using the GLOBE Observer app, you are joining the GLOBE community and contributing important scientific data to NASA and GLOBE, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide.

The app includes Clouds, which allows you to photograph clouds and record sky observations and compare them with NASA satellite images. GLOBE is now the major source of human observations of clouds, which provide more information than automated systems.

Mosquito Habitat Mapper, asks you to identify potential breeding sites for mosquitoes, sample and count mosquito larvae, and with optional equipment, examine and photograph a specimen to identify its genus. Your observations are contributing to a global database that will be used to by scientists to verify predictive models of mosquito population dynamics based on satellite data. In addition, public health authorities have access to this mosquito data for use in managing disease risk in communities.

Future versions of GLOBE Observer will add additional tools for you to use as a citizen environmental scientist.

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New and interested users are encouraged to go to http://www.globe.gov to learn more about the GLOBE program, or learn more about the GLOBE Clouds protocol. A one page summary of GLOBE Observer is available too.

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