الاتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك


Geoscience Education and Outreach for Sustainable Transformational Change in the Middle East and North Africa Region

“Geoscience Education and Outreach for Sustainable Transformational Change in the Middle East and North Africa Region”

Amman, Jordan | 18-22 November, 2018

Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia (RCSSTE-WE)


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), which is due next year (2019), we are organizing an interdisciplinary conference on the education, training and outreach of geosciences in the Middle East & North African (MENA) region. The Conference will be held in Amman, Jordan, between the 18th and 22nd of November 2018.

The Conference will cover the following topics: geosciences for sustainable development, especially in the field of georisk and risk reduction, the impacts of climate change in the future of the Earth, Earth observations and space geodesy. Researchers, experts, young scientists, women scientists from all over the world are highly welcome to participate, and especially those from the MENA region.


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a rapidly developing part of the developing world. The education, training and outreach are very important goals in the Region’s future, especially, in the fields of geodesy, geophysics, and geosciences. This interdisciplinary Conference will highlight the importance of International cooperation in Earth and space sciences and education, and will be dedicated to the discussion of the implementation of sustainable development goals related particularly to the climate change and disaster risk reduction.

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Underlying many of the arguments for transformative responses to global environmental change is a growing recognition that the complex environmental and social challenges of the 21st century may require a different education, outreach and capacity building paradigm, especially in the fields of Earth and space sciences. Transformative learning for change, including enabling effective decision-oriented action and research required for sustainable development pathways, is an implicit need embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Frameworks, especially in learning geoscience.

This Conference will add a new theme about the MENA’s understanding of geoscience education and training required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the UN 2030 Agenda.

Integrated research and training activities in MENA will allow for monitoring and evaluation of the quality of basic education, and can generate information to be used by decision-makers in planning and improving the quality of education in general, and especially of geoscience education, in the region.

We will explore possibilities for development of a Knowledge Action Network (KAN) on “Geoscience Education for Sustainable Transformation in the MENA region” that can draw on various existing networks. This network can enhance, where relevant and appropriate, decision-making in global change concerns across multiple platforms and scales.

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