The Fifth Arab Conference on Space and Astronomy
“Establishing an Arab Space Research Agency”
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Amman, Jordan
On behalf of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, Dr. Hisham Ghassib, President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, inaugurated the Fifth Arab Conference on Space and Astronomy on Monday morning, August 19, 2002, under the theme “Establishing an Arab Space Research Agency.” The conference is organized by the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences and the Jordanian Astronomical Society in cooperation with Princess Sumaya University for Technology and is held at the university campus.
In his opening speech, Dr. Ghassib said:
“Astronomy, space sciences, and cosmology today are at the forefront of fields in terms of depth, development pace, and cultural impact. Although astronomy is the oldest natural science, it is now at the forefront of natural sciences in terms of excitement, impact, and modernity. It has become an indispensable laboratory for testing the latest physical, biological, chemical, and geological theories and a fundamental driver in advancing precision technology and building fast supercomputers. For example, the ultra-precise astronomical measurements made by space telescopes today are, for the first time, providing definitive and accurate answers regarding the origin, components, and fate of the universe.”
Dr. Ghassib added: “The development of astronomy today is an indicator of the development of society as a whole and the entire nation. Therefore, a significant responsibility rests on us today to revive the science of astronomy, in which we Arabs were pioneers in the past.”
Engineer Khalil Konsul, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences and President of the Jordanian Astronomical Society, delivered a speech in which he said: “The Jordanian Astronomical Society is currently working on developing the Hamza Astronomical Camp, affiliated with the society, to make it resemble an astronomical school for teaching staff in the Kingdom’s schools, school students, mosque imams, society staff, and Jordanian astronomy enthusiasts. The camp will also organize Jordanian, Arab, and international astronomical camps.”
“But most importantly, we aim to develop astronomical tourism in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Jordanian tourism offices by inviting groups of tourists to visit the site and spend a night with the society’s staff to observe the sky with the naked eye and various observational instruments. This is a pioneering idea in itself.”
“Moreover, some of the society’s staff specialize in observing the crescent moons and applying astronomical topics in Islamic Sharia. Thus, our society, in cooperation with the Ministry of Awqaf, has organized many scientific and astronomical lectures and seminars.”
Engineer Konsul pointed out that the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences must take practical steps to publish an astronomical magazine for the entire Arab world, a peer-reviewed astronomical journal, an annual guide for Arab astronomy enthusiasts, astronomical calendars for the Arab world, hold specialized astronomical conferences, establish astronomical societies in all Arab countries, create an astronomical school for Arab astronomy enthusiasts, organize systematic and regular astronomical camps for Arab astronomy enthusiasts, and author astronomical encyclopedias and reference books.
The participants in the conference discussed several working papers through two sessions:
*Session One:*
– Dr. Hamid Mjoul Al-Naimi and Dr. Mohammed Basel Al-Taie from the United Arab Emirates presented a working paper on the proposal to establish an Arab Space Research Agency.
– Dr. Shawqi Al-Dallal from Bahrain presented a working paper on the Arab Space Agency and the horizons of the millennium.
– Dr. Muslim Shaltout from the Arab Republic of Egypt presented a working paper on opinions on establishing an Arab Space Agency.
– Mr. Issam Al-Qawas and Ahmed Al-Mousli from Syria presented a working paper on the activities of the General Organization for Remote Sensing in Syria.
– Ms. Iman Al-Azzawi from the Republic of Iraq presented a working paper on an Arab Center for Remote Sensing under the umbrella of the Arab Space Agency.
– Mr. Moataz Nail Al-Kurdi from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presented a working paper on notes regarding the establishment of the Arab Space Agency.
*Session Two:*
– Ms. Basma Diab and Mr. Ahmed Al-Naimat presented on astronomical and space activities in Jordan.
– Ms. Mona Anbar from Kuwait presented a working paper on astronomical and space activities in Kuwait.
– His Highness Sheikh Salman bin Jabr Al Thani from the State of Qatar presented a working paper on astronomical and space activities in Qatar.
– Mr. Moataz Nail Al-Kurdi from Saudi Arabia presented a working paper on astronomical and space activities in Saudi Arabia.
– Mr. Ramadan Bin Loulou from Algeria presented a working paper on astronomical and space activities in Algeria.
– Mr. Abdulhaq Sultan from Yemen presented a working paper on astronomical and space activities in Yemen.
– Mr. Saleh Bin Said Al-Sheydani from the Sultanate of Oman presented a working paper on sources of an information network specialized in space and astronomy sciences.
The participants also discussed several working papers in three additional sessions on the following topics:
– The cosmological constant and the temperature of the universe.
– The crescent moons between astronomy and jurisprudence and determining the beginnings of lunar months.
– Preparing a global Hijri calendar based on Mecca time.
– The Babylonian calendar: astronomical analysis and investigation.
– Differences in moon sighting.
– Comets in the geological history of the Earth.
– Observing meteors in Jordan: from hobby to methodology and observing the latest telescopes and accompanying techniques.
– Special technical methods for software development in astronomical domes.
– Major astronomical achievements of Arab and Muslim scientists.
Additionally, several working papers by foreign researchers and important astronomical projects were discussed, including the Libyan project to establish an observatory equipped with a two-meter telescope and the Gulf joint observatory project, as well as establishing an information base for various astronomical activities and events.
At the end of the opening ceremony, the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences presented a shield to Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya for her continuous efforts in this field, received on her behalf by Dr. Hisham Ghassib, President of the University. Mr. Hassan Belani from Aleppo University also presented an astrolabe as a gift to the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences. Additionally, Mr. Issam Al-Qawas from Syria signed a cooperation agreement with the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences.