الاتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك

The Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Science (AUASS) is an Arab organization that was established in 1998, and based in Amman. The AUASS aims to achieve the advancement of the astronomy and space sciences in the Arab world in order to play a role in advancing the Arab societies scientifically and technically, as well as to preserve the Arab and Islamic astronomical heritage, and to highlight its role in the advancement of the human civilization. The AUASS also aims at determining the beginnings of the lunar months through astronomical calculations methods and enhancing them by means of observational methods. It also aims at unifying scientific terminology in the fields of astronomy and space sciences in the Arab world, and at encouraging research, publication, writing and translation of scientific material in Arabic.

The Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Science (AUASS) is a regional organization composed of professional and amateur astronomers in the Arab world. Its mission has evolved to serve as a coordinating body for Arab activity in the fields of space science, astronomy and the atmosphere. A large part of his budget is spent to support professional seminars, conferences and meetings that bring together astronomers and space scientists to discuss ideas and research results. The AUASS focuses on the importance of increasing public awareness and education to gain more attention from Arab scientists and researchers.

The promotion of astronomy education and its development throughout the Arab world is one of the most important tasks of the AUASS. Astronomy is a unique and cost-effective tool for promoting sustainable global development, because of its technological and cultural dimensions. This plan shows how astronomy can contribute to education at all levels and can enable less developed and poorer countries to participate in advanced scientific research.

In response to the recommendations adopted by the AUASS in the final statement of the Sixth Islamic Astronomical Conference held in Amman (Jordan) between the 18th and 20th of March 2014, this strategic plan has been prepared to be adopted at the next General Conference of the AUASS, which is a great opportunity to review the AUASS strategy and to develop a long-term practical plan focusing on the use of astronomy to stimulate capacity-building and increase sustainable Arab development.

There are several reasons for the need for such a plan: first of all, technology is changing, as the widespread access to the Internet and the availability of remote telescopes for future education are important opportunities that can be exploited. Secondly, several new programs have been recently established that contribute significantly to the teaching of astronomy, particularly at the primary and secondary levels. The coordination of various astronomy education programs can maximize resource utilization and lead to a more focused program than the sum of its parts. Thirdly, the AUASS has launched one of the most successful and widely recognized scientific outreach programs, and it is important to leverage its momentum and build on its achievements. Fourthly, there is an enormous potential for the use of astronomy as a tool to stimulate development in Arab countries. An ambitious, credible and well-founded strategic plan is a prerequisite for mobilizing potential and raising funds for such activities.

The rationale behind the use of astronomy to stimulate sustainable international development is set out in the plan. Astronomy provides an inspiring gateway to technology, science and culture, three key characteristics of developed countries, by mobilizing large numbers of talented scientists, engineers and teachers in the service of development in the Arab World, to be a cost-effective plan in one of the most profound adventures of our civilization: the exploration of the Universe

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