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Big Ideas in Astronomy

Astronomy Literacy Booklet Released by the International Astronomical Union

Cover of the booklet “Big Ideas in Astronomy”.

What does it mean for a citizen to be “literate” in astronomy? Those members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) who are active in public outreach have practical experience of the kinds of astronomical knowledge commonly held by the general public. Until recently, however, there had not been a systematic evaluation and a clear definition of what astronomical literacy means. Now, the “Big Ideas in Astronomy: A Proposed Definition of Astronomy Literacy” booklet has been released with the aim of clarifying these ideas. It is intended for use by the astronomy education and outreach community, and within a process of community consultation. The booklet is the culmination of years of debate and discussion over the essential things that an astronomically literate person should know.

The astronomy literacy booklet presents eleven “Big Ideas,” each with seven to ten sub-ideas. These cover a range of different aspects of astronomy, including the historical, philosophical, sociological, theoretical and observational. They address a variety of topics from the Earth to the edge of the cosmos and back again.

“Big Ideas in Astronomy” is intended to be an evolving resource for the community to contribute to and draw from in working towards their goals. The booklet will benefit wider society by informing nations and states about what constitutes astronomical knowledge for their curricula. It also provides a framework for policy suggestions for governments, teacher training institutes and programs, and a set of guidelines for curriculum development and assessment tools. To this end, the IAU intends to invite the community, in the following months, to systematically review this document and consider whether it is an accurate representation of what experts consider astronomical literacy to be.

The project is led by Leiden Observatory, Leiden University (the Netherlands) and the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (Portugal) with numerous collaborators and contributors from all around the world. It was produced within the framework of the IAU Commission C1 for Astronomy Education and Development, in particular, the Working Group on Literacy and Curriculum Development.


Table of Contents:

  • Big Ideas
  • Introduction
  • A brief Introduction to some of Astronomys Big Ideas
  • Overview of the Big Ideas
  • Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences in human history
  • The question men want to know most of all is what we are going to put generic cialis http://cute-n-tiny.com/category/cute-animals/page/39/ a spotlight on.

  • Astronomical phenomena can be experienced in our daily lives
  • The night sky is rich and dynamic
  • Astronomy is a science that studies celestial objects and phenomena in the Universe
  • Astronomy benefits from and stimulates technology development
  • Cosmology is the science of exploring the Universe as a whole
  • We all live on a small planet within the Solar System
  • We are all made of stardust
  • There are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the Universe
  • We may not be alone in the Universe
  • We must preserve Earth, our only home in the Universe


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