الاتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك



 Astronomers generally agree that planets form out of the massive disks of leftover debris that surround most newborn stars. As these disks of gas and dust orbit their stars, small clumps of material coalesce, ultimately growing larger and larger until they eventually reach planetary status. However, not all planets make it that far. Sometimes, two […]

Astronomers Watch A Young Star Eat Its Own Planet Read More »

قبل قليل سألني احد الزملاء حول ‏Polaritons ‎هي أشباه جسيمات تنشأ من التفاعل القوي بين الامواج الكهرومغناطيسية ومجالات الكهرباء او المغناطيسية للثنائي المستثار dipole excitation ببساطة هو عبارة عن تفاعل الفوتون مع الثنائي It is Photon and dipole interactions “Polaritons are hybrid particles made up of a photon strongly coupled to an electric dipole. Examples

‏Polaritons Read More »

The object, named SIMP J01365663+0933473, has 12.7 times the mass of the gas giant Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. It also has a strong magnetic field that is more than 200 times stronger than Jupiter’s. The temperature on its surface is more than 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this sounds hot, it’s quite

Strange ‘rogue planet’ travels through space alone Read More »

More countries are investing in space science with its multiple branches, including technology such as satellites and exploration involving missions to the Moon and Mars. Last week, I took part in COSPAR 2018, the bi-yearly international assembly of space scientists and officials, which this year was held in Pasadena, California. Originally known as the Committee

Arab states have space programs: here on Earth, they need promotion Read More »

medium.com By Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann, Assistant Professor of History, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar Though I was born and raised in Europe, my research interests and academic studies have always drawn me to further exploration of the history of the Arab world, and in particular, the Arabian Peninsula. Today I

Reaching for the skies: Modern space science in the Arab world Read More »

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