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By Deborah Byrd in SPACE | December 10, 2018 Many have predicted a weak sunspot cycle in the years ahead, but new work from India suggests otherwise. The work dashes speculations of a sun-induced global cooling of Earth’s climate in the coming decade. It is thought that the current sunspot cycle – cycle 24 – will approximately span the years […]

What will the sun do next? Read More »

By Space News and SPACE.com Staff | September 28, 2012 02:37am ET On Oct. 4, 2007, the Space Age celebrated the 50th anniversary of the historic launch of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, by the former Soviet Union. The space shot also launched the Space Race to the moon between the United States and the Soviet Union. But

Timeline: 50 Years of Spaceflight Read More »

In a lab shrouded in darkness, scientists looking at mouse retinas discovered something eye-popping. Animals in darkness need to adjust their eyes to navigate a host of situations, whether they’re straining to see the galaxy next door or avoiding being turned into dinner. In most cases, the light-sensing machinery in eyes changes to take in more of

New Type of Night Vision Found Read More »

The first university in Europe was established by Muslims in the year 841, in the city of Salerno (Italy), It was an extension of the Muslim universities in the east, Then the universities in Toledo, Seville, and Granada were opened. So when the students from Europe (The Non—Mus|ims) learned and graduated from these universities, and

First university in Europe was established by Muslims in the year 841 Read More »

Thousands of people moved to let China build and protect the world’s largest telescope. And then the government drew in orders of magnitude more tourists, potentially undercutting its own science in an attempt to promote it. “I HOPE WE go inside this golf ball,” Sabrina Stierwalt joked as she and a group of other radio astronomers


We all love our most cherished ideas about how the world and the Universe works. Our conception of reality is often inextricably intertwined with our ideas of who we are. But to be a scientist is to be prepared to doubt all of it each and every time we put it to the test. All

The Greatest Mistake In The History Of Physics Read More »

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