الاتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك


Earthquake Lecture

The Arab Union for ِAstronomy & Space Sciences held a specialized lecture on Saturday evening, June 8, 2024, entitled:

“Earthquakes and Their Risk Limits in the Arab World”

Presented by:

Professor Dr. Najib Abu Karkie
Professor of Geophysics and Seismology at the University of Jordan and former President of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.
The lecture was presented in person at the Union’s headquarters and virtually via Zoom. A number of professors, researchers, and colleagues from the AUASS attended the lecture.

The Secretary-General of the AUASS, Dr. Eng. Awni Khasawneh, welcomed the lecturer and the distinguished attendees. In his opening speech, he stressed the importance of studying and discussing earthquake topics and monitoring their developments at the local and global levels. The lecturer then presented a distinguished and interesting scientific lecture on the limits of earthquake risks at the local, Arab, and global levels. The lecturer discussed the participants in the lecture and answered all their inquiries in a scientific session characterized by the brilliance of explanation and delivery.

You can watch the recorded lecture via the following link: Her

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