الاتحاد العربي لعلوم الفضاء والفلك

International Heliophysical Year and Astronomy and Space Science Activities in Arab States: Concentration on United Arab Emirates and Iraq

Hamid M.K. Al-Naimiy 1,2, Ala A.J.Al-Douri 1
1 College of Sciences, Sharjah University, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
2 Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS)
e-mail: alnaimiy@sharjah.ac.ae
Accepted: 29 December 2008

Abstract. This paper summarizes International Heliophysical Year (IHY), astronomy and space sciences (ASS) activities in
many Arab countries with the concentration on Iraq and UAE. The level and type of these activities differ in each country.
-The paper shows also the current activities on topics related to IHY in different countries, following are suggested future
Astronomy and Space Science (ASS) plans in some of these countries:
-UAE Research Centre for Solar Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences: A proposal under consideration for building a Solar
Physics and Space Research Centre that may contain: Solar, radio and optical observatories, and Very Low Frequency (VLF)
Receiver for remote sensing the Ionosphere on UAE region. The proposed research project will facilitate the establishment
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and conduct of VLF observations in the United Arab Emirate (UAE) as a part of Asia sector, thus providing a basis for
comparison to facilitate global extrapolations and conclusions.
-Iraqi National Astronomical Observatory (INAO): The Kurdistan Government/Universities planning to rebuilt INAO which has
been destroyed during the two wars. Proposed suggestion is to build a 5-6 meters optical telescope and small solar
telescope on the tope of Korek Mountain, which has excellent observing conditions.
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Keywords: astronomy and space science, international heliophysical year, Arab countries.

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