Whether you are giving gifts to others or to yourself this holiday season, this list of the best popular science books of 2018 about astronomy, physics and mathematics is a great place to start reading and gifting

Whilst I’ve researched and mini-reviewed this year’s list of popular science books, I’ve once again been impressed with the overall quality and variety of popular science books about physics published in 2018, in particular. Although I’m not a physicist, I’ve discovered that popular science books about physics are my favorites this year, and I think they’ll be your favorites, too.
Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor by Brian Keating (W. W. Norton & Company, 2018: Amazon US / Amazon UK)
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Cosmologist Brian Keating has written an interesting account about his part in the race for a Nobel Prize in physics. In this book, Professor Keating describes his involvement in the BICEP2 experiment and his personal ambitions of winning a Nobel Prize whilst also detailing his views of what is wrong with the Nobel Prize — particularly its limitation to just three living scientists (this is an unjust situation where nearly all researchers in a large team who contributed to a particular discovery are completely overlooked. This limitation also creates a toxic culture of cut-throat competition in disciplines that often require extensive collaborations.) Professor Keating delivers a clearly written synopsis of observational cosmology combined with an honest and informative assessment of the harsh realities of how the competitive world of astronomy and physics — and science in general — really work. This entertaining, moving and often witty book is one of my absolute favorites in this year’s impressive crop of popular science books. If you read only one popular science book this year, this is your book. (Many thanks to Brian Keating for sending me a review copy of his book in exchange for my honest review.)
Lost in Math by Sabine Hossenfelder (Basic Books, 2018: Amazon US / Amazon UK)