5-8 Feb 2012, Muscat, Oman
Oman Astronomical Society hosts the 10th Conference of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences(AUASS) in cooperation with Ministry of Transport and Communications, the International Astronomy Union (IAU), National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA) and the Foreign Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), the inter-Islamic network for space science and technology(ISNET), and The Research Council, 12-15 Rabeea alAwal 1433 corresponding to 5 to 8 February 2012 Muscat – Sultanate of Oman. The Tenth Conference of the Union comes under the theme
“The Role of Astronomy and Space Sciences in Developing Contemporary Societies” The Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences is an NGO Arabic Astronomical Astronautical Authority based in Amman/Jordan , (AUASS) which was formally established in 1998.
Astronomers and academics who participated in the 10th Arab Conference on Astronomy and Space Sciences held in the capital of Oman, Muscat, confirmed that the modern scientific and research abilities of the Arab states in the fields of astronomy and space sciences are weak, demanding setting an integral scientific methodology of coordination between the Arab and Islamic states in this respect…
This conference is organized by Oman Astronomical Society, knowing that it discusses various working papers related to astronomy and the means of developing it…
Professor of space sciences at Jerusalem University in occupied Palestine, Imad Al-Barghouti, said that despite the ancient astronomical achievements of the Islamic civilization, represented by the contributions of Ibn Al-Haitham, Al-Bayrani and Al-Farabi, the Arab contributions in the modern age are quite modest if not negligible. He also confirmed that the poor spending on scientific researches in the Arab region turned the latter into a mere receiver of the others’ scientific findings, and it only made contributions at the individual level. It is worth mentioning that the spending of 22 Arab states on scientific researches does not even amount to one sixth of what Israel spends for this purpose…
On his part, Dr. Mash’hour Al-Wardat, Professor of astronomical physics at Yarmouk University in Jordan, expressed his hope that the efforts of the astronomers at the Arab union for Astronomy and Space Sciences (AUASS) for sighting the crescents will convince the decision-makers in the region of the necessity of rejecting the sighting that contradicts with the astronomical calculations upon detecting the beginnings of the lunar months, so that the beginnings of the months would be united in the Islamic nation…
It is really beneficial to hold such scientific conferences to shed light on the scientific situation and on all the scientific issues related to people’s life, such as determining the beginnings and ends of lunar months, and hopefully the efforts and approaches would be united for the sake of science, society and unity of Muslims…
In a related context, His Eminence, the late Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah (ra), who relies on astronomy, bases his opinion on a juristic ruling, which says that sighting is merely one of the means for determining the beginnings of months, and there is no juristic evidence to take it and only it into consideration, let alone the fact that some evidences tell us the opposite…
Thus, the reliance of his Eminence on astronomy and the findings of observatories, through the data given by the scientists in this respect, is based on his opinion which considers them equivalent to sighting if not more accurate, due to the complications that might accompany visual sighting, staring from vision problems that the viewer might suffer from and reaching the geographical and topographical factors, which might lead to visual confusion…
Another point of disagreement among jurisprudents is where the sighting determined; is it at the country’s horizon, the close horizon, the horizon of the Islamic world, the horizon with which the country share a part of the night or what horizon? His Eminence (ra) adopts the opinion which establishes the possibility of sighting in a horizon which the country shares a part of the night with…
[Bayynat Magazine, issue No. 235, Ida’at (Insights)]
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